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California Pink Tourmaline - Mixed Metals Ring


California Pink Tourmaline - Mixed Metals Ring


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This tourmaline is from the famous Stewart Mine in Pala, California. It is the classic “bubble gum pink” that this particular mine is world famous for. While it is pink under most lighting, this particular tourmaline shows a color shift depending on the light source. In some lighting, it is the lavender color of Kunzite.

Tourmaline specimens from this mine are exhibited in museums and collections throughout the world. This unique shade of pink was a favorite of the last Empress of China, and she collected Stewart Mine tourmaline all her life. When she passed away, her body was entombed with a carved pillow of pink tourmaline from the Steward Mine.

Simply stunning!

Size 8.7

5x2mm Sterling silver band and back-plate. Brushed finish.

One of a kind.